Plan of Campaign » Privat deal plan

Privat deal plan

Last modified by Barbora Račková on 2016/12/12 11:17
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What is the plan?

Creating an internal plan:

  1. Open the campaign where you want to add the plan
  2. Click on the item "new privat deal plan" newDealPlan.png
  3. From the list of the sites choose the site, where the ad will be displayed
    You should choose sites connected to the iBB SSP
  4. Choose the site section and position by ticking off the checkbox. The type of position chosen determines which type of banner will be active in the plan.
    You can target the plan to multiple positions/sections of one site.
  5. Click on the item "Add to plan".
    Using step 3-5 choose all positions you need. The list of chosen positions in the plan is displayed on the right side of the page.
  6. Click on the item "Save plan" to save the settings.

In case you need to target a plan on several sites and you don´t want to create a new channel for it. You can easily create targeting on those sites and positions you need, follow the steps in parts 1-4.

Now tick those plans you have choosed and click on "Join selected items". Now click on "Create plans". Selected items will create one plan.

  • Publisher can include the sites to open auction or engage sites only for Private Deal.  Publisher has to offered these sites to iBB SSP and set the high floor price  (the highest price is 2000 CZK). Using such strategy the RTB offered auction will be blocked. Only Private Deal or offer from open RTB with the higher price will be chosen.  This setting can be change anytime and sites can be included into the open auction by reducing the floor price.
  • It is possible to set ad formats which are not common available for open auction in iBB SSP.  Use the tags  feature of ad position in iBB AdServer for maximum dimensions setting. In case of another adserver, it is necessary to create separate site for PD and set generated codes in you adserver for required ad position a priority.

Continue in Privat Deal setting

Created by Barbora Račková on 2016/12/09 15:55
Translated into en by Barbora Račková on 2016/12/09 16:09


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