
Last modified by Barbora Račková on 2016/02/14 21:37
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Tags are used for additional information added to a campaign, banner or plan. E.g. tag indicates the type of campaign sale - CPC, CPA, CPM, promo campaign.


More objects can be indicated by the same tag, or one object can be indicated by multiple tags. In this case one object can be assigned to several groups and can be counted more than once.

E.g.: You want to search all CPC campaigns in the system:

  1. Add tag CPC to the campaigns
  2. Enter the advanced filter in the summary of the campaign
  3. Choose the tag CPC in the field "Find by campaign or/and plan tags"
  4. Click on "Search" and the system will display all campaigns with specific tag

How to work with tags

Created by Barbora Račková on 2011/10/26 11:04
Translated into en by Pavla Roháčová on 2011/11/02 15:33


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