Setting of a banner type list » iFrame x non-iFrame x PopUp

iFrame x non-iFrame x PopUp

Last modified by Lenka Kocurková on 2011/11/18 08:03
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iFrame banners

This means banners with exact dimensions that cannot be exceeded. The advantage of this type of code is that a browser recognize what capacity of the web page the banner takes even before the banner is displayed, therefore the web page can be compiled and displayed it independently of advertising system answer.

The disadvantage is that a creative cannot go beyond the "frame" = e.g. iLayer cannot be displayed in this advertisement position.

iFrame banner could be every banner that contains "Preset dimension" in the list of banner banner types, iFrame is also a system type of banner "User defined dimension".

non-iFrame banners

are banners that are not limited by space for a ceative. The creative may use the whole available space of a browser window.

The disadvantage lies in the fact that this type of code may slow down web page rendering in the user's browser, since the browser does not know in advance, what the dimensions of the ad will be.

Every banner that contains "Dynamic" type in "banner types" list can be a non-iFrame banner.


The creative is, in case of pop-up banners, displayed in new window. 

Before opening a window BBmedia sends a special detection code (or sniffer code), which tests the availability of multimedia plug-ins. In case of a campaign absence, the code behaves as there was no IP in the page.

Created by Barbora Račková on 2011/09/15 16:52
Translated into en by Lenka Kocurková on 2011/11/01 11:14


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