How to Start - for a Site » Elimination of Competitors

Elimination of Competitors

Last modified by ZuBe on 2013/07/15 11:26
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The function "Competitors" enables you not show certain campaigns/plans/banners at the same time. The function is usually used for the restriction of competiting campaigns (BMW, Audi) or plans from the same campaign.

The function is on the level of a campaign, plan nad banners under one plan.

Setting is the same procedure. More competitive links in a plan/campaign can be created.

Note: For the function (banners competition) is necessary to use one2many codes. In case, that standard HTML codes are used on webpage, competition of banners will not work.

How to set competitors on the level of a campaign:

  1. Open the page with the selected campaign
  2. Click on the link "Competitors" in the campaign
  3. Insert a name for the connection you are creating - in  "Create new One2many relation of type Competitor banning named" . The more accurate the name, the easier the orientation.
  4. Click on the link "Create relation"
  5. Click on the link "Add items"
    The list of all active campaigns shows.
  6. Mark the checkbox "Add to relation " in campaigns that you do not want to be displayed together
  7. Save the setting by clicking on "Add"

How to set competitors on the level of a plan:

  1. Open the page with the selected campaign
  2. Click on the link "Competitors" in the plan
  3. Insert the name of a connection you are creating - in  "Create new ban competitors named" . The more accurate the name, the easier the orientation.
  4. Click on the link "Create relation"
  5. Click on the link "Add items"
  6. Mark the checkbox "Add to relation" in the plan that you do not want to be displayed together.
  7. Save the setting by clicking on "Add"

The competitors function can be canceled by clicking on the link "delete".

A new campaign/plan can be added or any item can be removed from competitor restriction by clicking on "remove" in a selected  campaign/plan.

How to set competition between banners in one plan


NOTE: The function is dependent on One2many codes! If standard HTML codes are used, the function will not work.

Created by Barbora Račková on 2011/11/20 10:08
Translated into en by Lenka Kocurková on 2011/11/25 16:12


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